Juvenile Macular Dystrophy

Juvenile Macular Dystrophy

Juvenile macular dystrophy is a group of inherited eye disorders. It affects children and young adults. It passes from parent to child. The most common form of juvenile macular degeneration is Stargardt disease. Other types include Best’s disease and juvenile retinoschisis. Juvenile macular dystrophy causes problems with your central vision.

Your ophthalmologist will conduct a dilated eye examination to diagnose juvenile macular degeneration. Though there is no cure, sunglasses, low vision aids, and mobility training can help patients adjust to their vision loss. Genetic testing is available. Gene therapy is on the horizon.

If you have any questions about your vision, speak with your ophthalmologist. They are committed to protecting your sight

Sample Ophthalmology


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Downers Grove, IL 60515

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