Cornea And External Disease

  • Marfan Syndrome

    Marfan syndrome is a genetic condition that affects the body’s connective tissue. Marfan syndrome can affect many different parts of the body. Eye problems are common in people with Marfan syndrome. Most people with Marfan syndrome have myopia (nearsightedness) and astigmatism. More than half of people

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  • Pinguecula Pterygium

    Pinguecula and pterygium are growths on the conjunctiva of your eye. Pinguecula is a yellow spot or bump on the conjunctiva, often on the side of the eye near your nose. A pterygium is a fleshy growth that may start as a pinguecula. It can grow large enough to cover part of the cornea. Both are believed

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  • Pterygium Treatment

    A pterygium (pronounced “ter IDJ ee um”) is a wedge-shaped bump of fleshy tissue that grows on the white of the eye. It may begin to grow toward the center of the eye, over the cornea. This common eye condition is also known as “surfer’s eye” or “farmer’s eye.” This is because pterygia

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  • Rosacea

    Rosacea is an ongoing (chronic) skin disease that causes your face to flush red. If your eyes are affected, they can be red and watery, and feel irritated and painful. Treating the eye symptoms of rosacea may include using steroid eye drops and ointments to reduce redness and swelling. Antibiotics might

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  • Shingles (Herpes Zoster)

    Shingles is caused by the herpes zoster virus. It can cause eye problems with symptoms such as a rash on the eyelids, “pink eye”, cornea problems, blurry vision, pain and swelling inside the eye. Treatment is focused on relieving the rash, swelling and pain. Placing cool, moist compresses over your

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