
  • Amblyopia

    Amblyopia, sometimes called "lazy eye," is when vision in one or both eyes does not develop properly during childhood. It is a common problem in babies and young children. Amblyopia can develop from other eye and vision problems. Some of these problems include misaligned eyes (strabismus), unusual refractive

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  • Amblyopia Patching

    Amblyopia, sometimes called “lazy eye,” is when vision in one eye does not develop properly during childhood. It is a common problem in babies and young children. Amblyopia is treated by making the child use their weaker eye. This is done by putting a patch over the child’s stronger eye. Sometimes

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  • Anisocoria

    Anisocoria is when your pupils are different sizes. This is often a harmless condition due to a natural difference in pupil size. ASometimes people have different size pupils as a symptom of another eye health problem. People who have nervous system disorders, stroke risk, or trauma to the eye may get

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  • Anterior Uveitis

    Anterior uveitis is inflammation of the front layer of the uvea. You are more likely to get anterior uveitis if you have had certain diseases, viruses or an eye injury. Symptoms include a red eye, pain and blurry vision. This is a serious condition that must be treated immediately to save vision. Treatment

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  • Anti-VEGF Treatment for Wet AMD

    If you have a certain form of age- related macular degeneration (AMD), your ophthalmologist may treat it with a medicine called anti-VEGF. Anti-VEGF is a treatment for people with wet AMD. This medicine is injected into the eye to slow vision loss and possibly improve vision. Anti-VEGF Treatment for

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Sample Ophthalmology


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Downers Grove, IL 60515

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